Red Maple Allée
photo: dmhphotographer.com
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One of the most photographed landscape features is the Red Maple Allee. The long winding path meanders between two rows of Japanese Maple trees. During the development of the sculpture garden, these trees were found during a scouting mission for interesting plant material at an abandoned nursery in Kingston, NJ. At the nursery, the Japanese Maple trees had been planted close together and left alone to grow. These dense conditions restricted growth, forcing the trees to grow tall and leggy rather than branching outward. Their roots were so tightly intertwined that they needed to be dug out and moved in groups of five if they were to be saved. Replanted close together in two parallel rows in spring of 2002, this is an unforgettable feature of GFS at any time of year and is particularly showy in the fall as the leaves turn a brilliant red.