Cuckoo’s Nest
Zoran Mojsilov
MATERIAL: metal: steel, stainless; stone: Cold Spring Minnesota granite, boulders
DIMENSIONS: overall: 138 in x 97 in x 90 in
CREDIT: Grounds For Sculpture, Gift of The Seward Johnson Atelier
© Artist or Artist's Estate, photo: Ken Ek
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'Cuckoo’s Nest' is a study of contrasts between the materials utilized, the play of solid areas juxtaposed with voids, and varying technical approaches. The artist has combined multiple pieces of granite, a natural material left in its raw, unfinished state, with smoothed and gleaming industrial steel rods woven into an asymmetrical net-like form. A jagged chunk of stone looks to be stitched to the open steel form at its base, adding further to the illusion that the steel rods are as flexible and easily manipulated as twigs and fibers used in building a nest. Atop the steel structure is a granite boulder situated in a way as to appear to be caught in time as it indents the metal grid. Opposing the open, airy quality of the metal form are the rough stones encased in the structure, their density and weight causing them to settle at the bottom.