Fairgrounds Woods
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The Fairground Woods contain some of the oldest, largest trees at GFS, some of which may have predated the Fairgrounds. This grouping dates to the early footprint of the former fairgrounds, as evidenced by a photo dated from 1925. Within this grove of trees one can find “Bicycle Beech,” a tree that is estimated to be around 100 years old. The name was adopted after one of the merry pranksters in the early days of the sculpture park thought it would be amusing to carry a bicycle way up into one of the trees here. “Bicycle Beech” has since grown around its two-wheeled invader. That tree and a sweetgum both predate GFS; the linden and locust trees in this location were transplanted here over the years since GFS was established. Also present are some unusual understory shrubs such as Illicium and Pawpaw and other woodland specimens.